Tuesday, September 20, 2011

You Like Me. You Really Like Me.

This photo simply makes me laugh.
I've recently joined Facebook and am awed by the quick interest and followers of my page. Alyssa Fortin Photography has over 100 FANS! As a thank you, and in an effort to gently encourage those who like me to tell their friends about AFP, I'm hosting a contest. Now through the end of October, each time you comment on one of my photos, post on my wall or tag yourself in one of my photos you will be entered in the contest. The winner (selected by random.org) receives a free mini session, that includes one (1) roll of film, for a photo shoot at a mutually agreeable South Shore location. Don't forget you have to "like" Alyssa Fortin Photography to participate. I'll announce the lucky winner on November 1, 2011.

Let the games begin!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Idea Behind Concept Shoots

Now that the Weir River Farm shoots are over, I want to promote something different for the next few months: concept shoots.

The idea is a planned out shoot using particular props such as a boat or vintage car, at a particular location like Castle Hill, or an activity the children might be acting out. I have been doing these kinds of shoots for several years now with clients who I know are up for it. On my many outings prop hunting, I've come across fun items like antique dresses, an old sprinkler and a vintage baby doll crib that I would love to use in pictures. I have lots of ideas swimming around in my head right now. Little boys playing wildly in a sprinkler. Children and their horses. Kids all bundled up building a snowman or pictures after a snowfall.  Problem is, the chances of having your shoot scheduled for the day after a perfect storm are slim to none. Or at a regular shoot, if I used a sprinkler, the kids would be all wet and the shoot would be over.

 For this shoot, I found someone to loan us their vintage car.

I have presented the idea of the play ironing with a toy iron and ironing board to two clients recently as a part of their regular shoot and, both times, this was not what they were looking for.  I understand this from the clients perspective as well as the photographer's perspective. At the end of the day, those shoots are about you, your child. As an artist though, to keep growing and continue providing my clients with a certain level of skill, I'm finding I'm becoming increasingly passionate about concept shoots. That is why I think this idea will work better as just fun, extra shoots for people to enjoy. 

This is where being a fan of my Facebook page will come in handy.

What I plan to offer through Facebook is a particular concept. I'll post some details of the shoot with the ages and number of children I am looking for. Then interested clients can respond. These shoots will last about 30 minutes and I will most likely only take one roll of film. Your cost is only $50 per roll - just to make sure I cover my costs. But what you will get out of it are fun creative images. The prints will be available at my standard rate starting at $55 for a 5x7 print.

My first concept shoot for fall will be Make Believe Mommy. I am looking for 2-4 little girls between the ages of 3 and 5 years old to participate in a shoot one day next week (exact date to be determined). If you miss out on one of these shoots, not to worry. I hope to offer these types of opportunities in between regular bookings, so please stay tuned to my Facebook page.

Below you can see some of my favorite shots from past concept shoots.

Some ideas can be more simple than others. For this shot, the idea was just two young boys without shirts and hanging on each other, looking directly at me.
Another example of a past concept shoot is this image of four girls in dresses made from vintage linens with two puppies in an antique crib in a field.  We set it up and I took a full roll of this concept to achieve the "perfect" shot.
 At this shoot we brought a canoe over to World's End as a prop.
I love photographing horses. I think this is a particularly beautiful image.
This shot included a long, vintage cream skirt in a wheat field with an antique, beat-up armchair.